Monday, August 2, 2010

Kingdom Hearts Cloud Mini FINISHED!!

After a decade of bitching and whining how I lost several of my favorite conversions during our move to Aurora, IL... I am extremely pleased to present one, extremely upgraded miniature... Kingdom Hearts Cloud. The original was based on the same miniature- GW Culexus Assassin, and the head was an older Eldar Gun Platform Controller... now defunct for many, many years. This guy is going to possibly be a Barbarian in WHQ (hence the square base)...

OMNI-SLAAAASH!!! (Yea, the picture is blurry... sorry...) This version was created using that same body base, as seen in my older posts, and the head of Anime Tactic's Derek Shezard shaved down- it had that slightly feminine w/ killer eyes "anime" face I was looking for.

The wing was pilfered from an old GW Chaos Harpy my brother had languishing in the basement... pretty sure he won't mind, as he's onto other things now. This is my first time working extensively with greenstuff- Cloud was actually my practice sculpting greenstuff for my Octo-tyrant... the final item, and possibly my favorite is the flow of the cape-scarf. I asked a really cool cat - (will get his name later) on Cool Mini who was showing off his merc-knight sculpt... the cape was just fantastic- roll it flat on a Vaselined surface- plastic, in my case, then wait until it's a bit harder (30 minutes in), and use pens, paint brush ends to create the folds...I started the shape, bent it into a wind flow, pinched the top, and glued it to his shoulder for a seamless connection. The end result looks like he's side-stepping a blow and aiming a sideways slice... Whoo hoo!

Back View and hair... that's the problem with primering outside on the ground and having so many little protruding bits... can never get everything on the first go... also missed his underside too.

Primered Front- If you're a KH buff, you probably notice that his sword isn't all wrapped up... I was trying for several weeks to no avail trying to figure how to do the wrapping... but too much thin tissue or paper and it "balled-up" the sword... putty at that thickness was just too hard to work with and add battle-damage to...

Primered Rear-View - A closer look at the scarf.. for the damage, I wanted to reference his true scarf, but the damage (looks like a gigantic moth got to it) was a bit too much for me- I settled for more of a Warhammer feel for it, instead of the stylized KH look... still looks good, IMO.

This one has been a long time coming and is extremely dear to my heart. I tried to pull out all the stops on this one and what came out totally blew me away. For those of you who are scared of working with the greenstuff (or brown/grey, although I have zero experience with that), I just took my 2-d art teacher's advice for using charcoal and pencil (my drawings were waaay too light) Just get deep in there and don't be afraid of the paper! (in your case, the greenstuff) A lot of the advice is already out there on the forums, but one more time, simply-

1) Lots of some kinda lube to minimalize fingerprints and stickiness, especially on your tools and fingertips.

2) Patience- I can't stress this enough. Do it bit by bit. It takes TIME- I've screwed myself over by making more putty than I could use on the mini time and again... if you make too little, you can always cut a bit more and mix it in. If you make too much... well, you're SOL, yo.

3) Goes with #2- wait a bit for the putty to settle (20-25 min? Anyone got a better estimate?) before working it into shape.

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