After a weekend that was way too short, filled with painting, dog-walking, hot nurses at an animal hospital, and video games... I only managed to finish one and a half things on my pre-weekend list. Blast it.
1) Finished the 40% complete Rippers- so really, it wasn't a complete job.
2) I got MOST of the Tyrant's arms drilled and magnetized. However, I got only 1 of 4sockets done on the pewter body... before my hand started getting too ripped up from gripping the drill bit.
Meh, whatever. Here are the rippers-
From the front- I have to admit, the feathering looks much better on these little guys than it does on the Warriors. No idea why, but I'm not enjoying the fact that I take so much time to blend and highlight all the fodder troops... If I was smart, I'd be dipping the troops... but it's just not for me. All this hard work WILL pay off in the end. It is MY swarm... my... precious...
A triangle-shot of the little guys... I'm overall very pleased with the color scheme, but I overdid it on the highlights. I ended up using too much of the final step 5 Blazing Orange + Skull White (peach) color and had to dull parts of it down with Baal Red wash. That, and it forced me to over-highlight my Warriors to fit in a bit more... ugh... I'm never touching those guys again... Wait. I lied. Gotta do the bases still.
...dead sexy. I'm thinking the next time I get a swarm with the little bits, I'm definitely going to make Ripper markers for the Parasite of Mortrex unique character- I'm thinking Imperial Guard... Chest Bursters a la Aliens... and lots Greenstuff conversions...
Side note to self- gotta finish the bases too...
A pic of the next creatures in line for "the treatment". Yes, Genestealers. Why man, WHY did I put those shoulder armor bits on? I could have had an easy eight troops to do without the elaborate blending and feathering stuff... ah well... it'll look better in the end. I'll just keep telling myself that.
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