Several Hormagaunts of Hive Fleet Izanagi at various stages of completion (READ- Random quality standards of spraying- the one all the way on the right has had the most current stage done.
1) Spray foundation paint Chara-ma-something Granite on entire model/model group (all GW paints and washes)
2) Fix any blemishes or unsprayed areas (there are lots of these- garbage, yo)
3) Paint Chaos Black on the carapace portions of the respected model(s)
4) Repeat step 2 if necessary on any models (yup, it gets necessary quite often)
5) Wash with Badab Black
- for now, that's as far as I've gone.
The most-complete Tyranid Warrior in my collection to date- this was from the past post's connundrum. Painted over his fiesta-style carapace highlights with Mecharite Red- I'm intent on doing it again but with a darker red theme and using Baal Wash to keep it that way.
The warriors at a bit more advanced stage - Step Six, which is to paint all chitin/scythes/hooves and claws with Scorched Brown before doing a gradual highlight from a guide I found - - guy had fantastic red-skinned Tyranids with simulated bone for the carapace areas- That would be insane doing that for every single one of my models, so I'll just be doing it to bits and pieces.
Gyaaagh!! My "finished" Warrior with the repainted (ugh... looks like crap) scythes - (original "bone" color can be seen on leg protrusions before they got colored over. I'll be redoing it shortly...
The inner fleshy bits were done with foundation Hormagaunt Purple, washed with oldskool GW Purple Wash (or was it Blue Wash?), then highlighted with a personal concoction I made from varying GW paints- if I remembered how I made it, I'd write it here, but I really don't - mixture of old GW paints, old GW washes, Skull White was added there, but in what ratio, I can't remember- good thing I made a full pot of it! (^_^)V
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