Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hormagaunt and 'Stealer Update Army Update

It's been a week since I got to put something up. CT/MA was pretty cool for the week, but all I wanted to do was paint and plan my army. Before I left for my trip, I picked up a Lictor and a Zoanthroape- stay tuned til the next post.

I should have planned my painting schedule a little better, but luckily caught it early enough so I'm not stuck painting 16 termagaunts in the end without any variation... I'm now mixing troops in groups of four each This group was 4 hormagaunts and 4 genestealers.

The first 4 hormagaunts! The crappiness (and I tell myself that they're normal troops and don't count... but then I cry a little after) of the scythes signifies the dying of my drybrush. But it finished the job, and that's all I care about.

I can't wait to see a full group and then some of these things getting blown apart wholesale while overrunning a defensive position... *sigh*... one can only dream. I chose a slimy lime green to accent the black and red bodies, and I'll have to see if it goes well with the larger creatures as well...

Genestealers in my personal army scheme- I didn't know if it would work out with it, but I decided to follow the standard black then feathering highlights on the pads and blending of those same highlight colors on the spine. I think it looks fantastic. And then forgot that they had small plates on their heads...

... unfortunately, I don't have a good shot of how it looks, but I painted a pattern down the plates that I think look good on them. You can actually see it on the rightmost 'Stealer. Simple, but I think it looks great.

Next post will be more project, Memorial Day BBQ Hobby Day, and my first big creature...

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