After an extremely inspiring "chance" click onto Migsula's "Jade Vessel" blog on DakkaDakka (if you haven't been- check it out... sickeningly good stuff), I've decided to take a chance and start a new site dedicated to the Inquisitor-Necromunda fusion. The role-playing and repeatability potential is endless! Between my IG cousin and myself, I would say we have 75% of the Black Library of knowledge between us- heresies, inquisitors, their accessories and bits, lore, etc..
For those of you not in the know, Necromunda was a WH40K spinoff game of dirty gangs of various flavors facing off in the Underhive of the planet called Necromunda. By battling and winning (or losings) gangs would earn injuries, skill advances, territories, and new equipment. Inquisitor was an extremely detailed large-scale mini game that focused on the various shades of the Inquisition- those who used fire to fight fire, and those who stayed strictly with the light of the Emperor. The combination of the two shows the skilled "nobody" Inquisitor and his/her retinue facing off against the PDF(planetary defense forces), Adeptes Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, and other Inquisitors who don't see eye to eye (you say "for the Emperor", I say "Heretical Mutha*#$R&!@!!!") vying to protect,destroy, or keep the target. Deep narrative, and NOT making the most killer team is going to make this an extremely entertaining prospect.
Migsula's blogpost forum-spot has added rules to start from, as well as several amazing warbands from his younger brother and friends- the Sith-Vampire-Lord conversion in particular is damned good. It casts a ginormous, magnetic shadow, but it spurs me to create my own signature Inquistor.
I've decided to create a separate website for this potentially epic awesome- the website is still pending, but after a good night of drinking and Japanese home-cooking, we've come up with our "hook item" (or several, for multiple, continuous campaigns) that each band will sacrifice their all for, "tenative" website title, and website design. The website will include pictures and battle reports written in "fluff" style, the Dramatis Personnae galleries and their respective fluff, WIPs and tutorials on select figures, as well as any additional rules that we come up with for anyone thinking of doing the same. Right now, we've got about 6 people who will participate, but we hope to root out more heretics, er, gamers from our surrounding Chicagoland/Suburbs areas to join us and make this project great.
Once we have this up, I'll post it on here and link it in case anyone is interested. Izanagi will forge forward, but right now, this is probably my best bet with my limited grad-school-work-infested schedule.
I also plan on starting a Vampire Counts/WHQ blog, but for now this is going to be our focus (and sporadic HF Izanagi updates!).
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